Llandrindod Bowls on Film

Over the years many miles of film footage has been produced from the bowling greens in Llandrindod, and slowly this footage is appearing on the internet. For copyright reason most of the links are to the external sites.

If you know of any videos available online that has Llandrindod wells Bowling greens on show and it’s not listed here, then just drop us a line to the webmaster on the contact us page

Jess Sims talking to the BBC Wales about the 2017 World Championship pairs gold medal & the 2018 Commonwealth games.– Bowls more than ‘old man’s marbles’.

2016 – Jess Sims won the Brecon & Radnor Senior Sports Personality of the year, here is a youtube video clip of her interview. Jess Sims

At the same event the senior ladies were nominatedfor the Senior Team award, another youtube video with an interview with Betty Morgan, Shirley King, Jenny Davies & Anne Price. Senior Ladies Team

A film on youtube about Llandrindod in general, the year is unknown but if you skip to 1 minute 19 seconds the bowling greens are on display.

The 1938 test match between Mid-Wales and New Zealand, a film is availble from Pathe News, the action begins with the New Zealand team doing a Maori-type dance – a Haka. 1938 Test Match